Case study Renner Energies

Case study Renner Energies

Valerie Van der Borght, HR Manager

Renner Energies' experience of working with NewU

Time to read: 5 minutes

Background waves





Our Story

Renner Energies places great importance on sustainability in the broadest sense of the word. This extends to fostering a sustainable relationship with our employees. We aim to support our employees in improving their overall health, mental well-being, and social connections (team-building and workplace enjoyment). NewU offers a tool that addresses all these areas within a single platform.

Our Goals

Next year, Renner Energies plans to focus more on psychosocial well-being. We will launch the following vitality initiatives centred around mindfulness, positivity, and mental well-being. Our aim is to provide support during periods of high workload and to equip our employees with the tools they need to build mental resilience in such situations.

NewU in Action

Employees are very enthusiastic about the organised challenges. These large-scale challenges, often including a competitive element, work perfectly to engage employees and encourage them to start building healthy habits using the NewU app.

The Collaboration

“The extra time for support and answering questions is truly invaluable!”

The service and support provided after the collaboration began have been excellent. The NewU team dedicates plenty of time to listening to and addressing my questions. The additional guidance they offer is a real asset for any HR manager.


NewU is a fantastic tool for demonstrating to employees that their well-being is of the utmost importance to Renner Energies. It sends the right message from HR to employees, showing that we care deeply about their health and are eager to support them in every way possible.