Game on: Seven creative ideas for your own workplace health competition

A healthy competition, you probably have heard and thought about it numerous times, but what can you do outside the normal items? The spirit of friendly competition can tap into our innate desire to succeed, to improve, and to outperform, creating a ripple effect of positivity and motivation. When we compete, we not only strive to be better, but we also encourage others around us to elevate their own efforts, creating a collective upward spiral of progress.

Time to read: 5 minutes

Game on: Seven creative ideas for your own workplace health competition

It's time for us to step out of the box of traditional wellness initiatives and introduce an element of healthy competition into the mix. Picture this: teams cheerfully challenging each other to outdo in daily steps, or individuals battling it out for the title of 'Smoothie King' or 'Yoga Master.' This kind of energetic engagement could be just what your organization needs to breathe new life into its approach to wellness.

Distance challenge: Perhaps one of the most popular forms of workplace wellness competitions, a Step Challenge can engage the entire company in a fun and fitness-focused initiative. Encourage employees to strap on their fitness trackers and get moving. Whether it's a brisk lunchtime walk around the block, parking a little farther away, or opting for the stairs over the elevator, every step counts. You could organize the competition on an individual basis, or make it team-based to foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual encouragement. You can also keep it interesting by having weekly mini-challenges, like 'Most Improved Stepper' or 'Weekend Warrior.' Remember, the goal isn't just to reward the fittest employees; it's about encouraging everyone to increase their physical activity and improve their health.

Healthy cook-off

A Healthy Cook-off is a fantastic way to highlight the importance of nutritious eating in a delightful and interactive manner. Organize an event where participants can bring their favorite health-conscious recipes to the table - literally. This could be an excellent opportunity for your team to share family recipes, explore international cuisines, or discover new dietary lifestyles such as veganism or keto. To add an extra layer of excitement, consider bringing in a local chef or nutritionist to judge the entries, or even to provide a quick healthy cooking demonstration. This kind of event not only promotes healthy eating habits but also provides a sense of community, making it a winning recipe for wellness.

Mindfulness marathon

A health competition doesn't always need to be about breaking a sweat. With the Mindfulness Marathon, your team can compete in a different kind of race - one towards better mental health. Participants can earn points for activities like attending a yoga class, practicing guided meditation, or simply spending some time unplugged from their electronic devices. Consider bringing in an expert to host a workshop on the benefits of mindfulness and to provide some practical techniques for reducing stress. This can be a truly transformative competition as it encourages participants to slow down, breathe, and become more aware of their mental well-being.

Hydration challenge

Water is crucial to our overall health, and yet it's surprising how many of us don't drink enough of it. The Hydration Challenge can be a fun and easy way to get your team sipping more H2O. Participants track their water intake throughout the day with the aim of meeting or exceeding the recommended eight glasses. You can add an element of engagement by providing reusable water bottles branded with your company logo, or by hosting educational sessions about the importance of hydration to our physical and cognitive performance. This competition has the potential to bring a wave of benefits to your team, from increased energy levels to improved skin, making it a worthwhile endeavor.

Healthy habit streak

One of the most challenging aspects of adopting a healthy habit is consistency. To make healthful behaviors second nature, they must be performed regularly over a period. Encourage your employees to select one healthy habit they wish to incorporate into their daily lives – it could be anything from drinking eight glasses of water each day to taking a 30-minute walk after lunch, or even committing to a nightly regimen of good sleep hygiene. The selected habit should align with their personal health goals, making the challenge more meaningful and personally relevant. Once the habit is selected, the aim is to maintain an unbroken streak of consistency for a set duration. Keep track of everyone's progress on a shared platform where updates can be posted and achievements celebrated. The individual who manages to maintain the longest unbroken streak wins the challenge. Not only does this competition promote healthy lifestyle changes, but it also teaches the invaluable lesson of perseverance, showcasing how small, consistent actions can lead to significant improvements over time.

Deskercise challenge

It's no secret that the sedentary nature of desk jobs can take a toll on physical health. However, there are numerous ways to incorporate exercise into the workday, even without leaving the desk. Initiate a Deskercise Challenge where employees are encouraged to perform simple, yet effective exercises right at their workstations. This could include chair yoga poses, arm stretches, leg lifts, or even seated dancing! Make the challenge more engaging by asking participants to share their exercises in the form of photos, videos, or even quick tutorials. To foster an environment of variety and learning, the winner won't be the one who does the most exercises, but the one who introduces the most varied set of deskercises. Rewarding this ingenuity ensures the challenge doesn't become monotonous and keeps sparking new ways to stay active within the constraints of a desk job.

Green commute week

As much as a wellness competition can be about improving personal health, why not extend its impact to our planet's health too? Implement a Green Commute Week challenge, where employees are motivated to choose more sustainable methods for commuting. Cycling, walking, carpooling, or opting for public transportation over single-passenger car travel can greatly reduce an individual's carbon footprint, besides offering opportunities for physical activity. Make this week-long challenge an annual event, and watch as it becomes a highlight in your organization's wellness calendar. Create a platform where employees can share their experiences, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them. They could share pictures of the sights they see during their walks or bike rides, or share stories of the interesting people they meet on public transit. The focus here would be on the collective impact your team can have on environmental sustainability, but you could also consider rewarding individuals who were the most dedicated or innovative in their green commute methods. This way, the Green Commute Week becomes more than just a wellness challenge – it becomes a statement of your organization's commitment to environmental responsibility.

Implementing health competitions in your workplace can create a buzz of excitement and camaraderie, while also improving the overall health and well-being of your employees. But the real victory lies beyond the competition - it's in the lifelong healthy habits that your team will continue to practice. It's about changing the vitality game by making health an integral part of your organization's culture. So, gear up, and let the wellness games begin!

As a bonus, also read our blog about cool out of the box rewards for your employees!